It's just life
I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.

i know

Thursday, Jul. 19, 2007
Every moment since the moment you drove away from the house this morning I it hope gets easier, but the tears keep coming. I know this is best. I know this will make or break us. I know we needed this time together. I know we need this time apart. I know we needed to yell and fight and slam doors and laugh and love and dance.

I know my feet are firmly planted in reality now even though I have no idea what the future looks like. You seem to know what the future is but fly high up in the sky of daydream and fantasy. Fantasies that do not include me.

In your dreams you put me in baskets to fly me high above and away from you. I laugh and tell you how silly you are. In my dreams you are always looking for something or someone else. I can never find you when I need you.

I really do look forward to the day we hold hands in our dreams and while walking down the street.

2:14 p.m. ::
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