It's just life
I want life in every word to the extent that it's absurd.

just say it.

Monday, Feb. 06, 2006
The truth is, when you know someone loves you your confidence goes sky high and you become much more attractive to everyone else. The questions come: do you care? will you act on it?

I feel like this is all pretend right now. I'm glad I have a partner in crime to help me forget about everything in my brain. Sometimes she prods me into the fire and sometimes she tells me to order a water because I drank enough.

To think, this is the same girl I distrusted so much for a good part of the last couple of years. I'm glad we got over it. And whenever we're drunk we remind each other about it. And we are thankful and appreciative of each other and for me finally opening my mouth and getting it all out in the open. I think she's going to be moving in with me next month.

She is the most gorgeous woman I know. And in a lot of ways I aspire to be like her even though she's like 7 years younger than me.

I've also started to really say what I feel when it needs to be said. I'm tired of wasting my time. So tired. And it makes me nauseous to think about how much time I've wasted in my life because I didn't just open my mouth and let the words pour out.

1:25 p.m. ::
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